Right now I am waiting for my husband to call. I am in Utah, he is in Hawaii and there is a 4 hour time difference. So I have to be a little patient. I am ready to g o to bed and he is just barely getting done with school! Same thing goes for in the morning….. If I try to call earlier than 11am {my time} I will be calling him before the sun even comes up! Thinking about him and missing him.
{fall 2009 | Me 8 months pregnant & B’s 25th birthday}
> Promise i am working on answering your emails and working on lots of designs!
This vacation [a working one] has been throwing everything a little off whack {and that’s okay}
> Want to see some cute vacation pictures of S >>> HERE
| enjoy your weekend! |
Now you know how I feel when I want to call you and it is still 5am your time :)
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Just saying Hi from Style Outside the Box! We would love to do a link swap with you! :) New Follower from Oct Fest! :) Come say HI at http://www.styleoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/ Don’t Forget to Enter Our Blog Fest Contest!