People always say that they are super jealous that we get to live in Hawaii. It’s true that we are really lucky to have this opportunity especially when weekends consist of:
> Spending all day at the beach, having a fish fry, & splashing in the ocean.
>Picking avocados off a tree to eat with chips and salsa.
>Coconut Water + Pineapple Juice
>Swinging at the park with Sophie
But here are a few unflattering, non paradise-y things about Hawaii that you may not know >>>
>If you don’t hang up your towel immediately after your shower, it will stink. Same with anything wet for that matter.
>If you don’t follow a specific nightly routine the Hawaiian Bug Population will invade your house. [take out trash, sweep and mop floors, wipe of all counters and cabinets, do all the dishes, and ring out the dishrags] … and despite your best efforts you will still have a few bugs.
>There is no such thing as AC. Just a hot house, all day long. Seriously sweaty.
>There isn’t a city trash truck. We have to take all our trash to the dump ourselves.
>It is so humid here our blinds stick together and the edges of the photos [on our fridge] curl.
I am not complaining about Hawaii. Nope. Just can’t have you thinking Hawaii is all fruit smoothies, beach bumming, and golden tans. :)
Is there any non paradise-y things about where you live? Like maybe you hate the cold weather that is starting to come your way?
Patty says
Your post made me laugh! Bugs, sweat, smoothies, stinky towels…. I can kind relate to that… It’s great to be able to live in different places and experience the good and the bad from them. I’ve never been to Hawaii before, I would love to go there someday to visit, but I have lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, before and I can definitely say that 102 F (degrees) almost everyday can’t be fun sometimes. I know I complain about the cold weather in Utah, but I just don’t like the loooong winters we have here…. and the flus, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, shoveling the snow off my car… But I guess I have to see more of the bright side… ice skating, sledding, snowboarding, hot chocolate and a “white Christmas”! :)
Kendra says
Yes, I will miss the white Christmas for sure! Did you go a on mission to rio?
Patty says
No I didn’t, I was born there. I have been lived in the USA for almost 9 years now. My husband is from here, so Utah is kind like my “second” hometown!
Kendra says
That is awesome you were born there!!! I had no idea! :)
Jenn says
haha! i can totally relate. o’ahu has the trash pick up people which i’m so jealous of!
Kendra says
yeah me too! :)
Natalie @ Queen of Whirled says
Sounds like Florida…except we have A/C and I would die without it. Seriously. Die.
Kendra says
yeah i would love some ac about now! you are super lucky! :)
Lesa says
So, I’m thinking if you feel like you will get out of practice while you are here visiting, you are welcome to keep up your nightly kitchen routine at our house :) j/k
I forgot about the garbage. So sorry.
And I can’t wait to hug and kiss the cutest little girl in the picture above!!
Kendra says
haha yeah I am sure I can contribute to your nightly routine :) lol! ;)
Yeah the garbage thing … We have a outside garbage can {like you} but we just have to take it to the dump ourselves. And since the can doesn’t fit in the trunk we have to put the trash bags in to our trunk! …
but actually I have gotten used to it. I just make sure I wash out the trash if possible {like rise out the yogurt cup, etc} before I bag it up!
Lesa says
question: I’ve studied this out but no success. Do you know of a way to add reply under comments in blogger??
Kendra says
yes, there is! i will help you with it when I am there. how about that! :)
Kinze says
love the pro’s verse cons … but i’d still love to live there :) love your blog … coming from casey’s link up!
Marie Holmes says
Hi Kendra, Found you through a link from someone else. Who? No idea. : ) Love your blog. I’m seriously thinking about starting my own. I would love to have you design for me. I just need to come up with a name. (Working on it) I’m a scrapper, cardmaker, cookie baker, craft lovin woman.
I live in Michigan. LOVE it here. My husband and I are boaters. So we are serious summer people. Love the boating lifestyle and it too probably looks pretty good from the outside.
But, there are cons too. Like feeling compelled to spend EVERY summer weekend at the boat. Our summer is so short and it’s expensive to own a boat you use only 5 months; so we have to used it every weekend.
The other cons probably seem trivial; but they are there. I’m a white skinned redhead and I hate sunscreen. I wear it because I have to. I have to get everything at home done M-F because I’m not home on the weekend. I also have to pack for the boat every Thursday. Food, clothing etc. We love company at the boat and everyone loves to come; but you just can’t be “on” every weekend. So sometimes we seem disconnected from family and friends.
Isn’t it funny how things look from the outside and what they are like on the inside? I wouldn’t give up boating for even a minute; but it does have unique challenges.
Have a great weekend! Marie
Lisa @ MMT says
Hawaii sounds amazing..and now that you mentioned the cons…well it still sounds amazing…haha…but you are right all places have pros and cons. Right now it is freezing in Wisconsin and we had our first snow storm yesterday…so Hawaii sounds like paradise :)