Today I asked Danyelle of Dandee Designs to share with us a little about her blogging story. I love Danyelle’s blog design. It is simple, clean, and fun! She also has beautiful pictures on her blog [doesn’t that pie look amazing!]! I emailed her and asked her some questions [mini interview] and these were her responses! :) Thanks for sharing Danyelle!
Bio: My name is Danyelle and I blog daily at Dandee. Dandee is a lifestyle blog where I share snippets of my life raising five children, projects I create, and things that are inspiring me from around the web. I love adventures, eating sweets and making new friends. I would be thrilled if you stopped by to say hello.
What inspires you? I know it’s cliche’ to say, but I really do find inspiration everywhere. In my children’s artwork, hardware stores, nature. I believe if you open your eyes, inspiration finds you.
What is your favorite part about blogging? My favorite part about blogging in making connections with people from all over the world. It’s still boggles my mind to think there are moms reading Dandee in other countries. I’ve made wonderful friendships and have learned so much from my readers.
Any tips for new bloggers? If you’re a new blogger, there are a couple of things you should know. 1. Be consistent. Do your best to post regularly and write about what you know and love. 2. Be nice. A little niceness goes a long way, no?
How do you balance life, motherhood, blogging, ect? I think most people, not just bloggers have a difficult time finding balance in their lives. For me, my number one priority is my family. When their needs are met, I’m happy. I tend to blog at night and in the early morning hours leaving my time + attention to my children during the day.
How did you choose your design “style” or branding? I love classic and clean design with a sprinkling of craft. When coming up with my logo I decided to keep the font classic and added the washi tape for a little fun. When I tire of the washi tape, it will be easily replaced with another element without interfering with my overall design.
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