Today I want to share a photo of my finished Instagram style poster that I made for my younger brother who recently returned home from a 2 years LDS mission. I made this template as a 24in x 36in poster in Photoshop and dropped in the photos he had emailed me over the last two years. By the time I got it printed and framed it cost me less than $25 and I think he really liked it!
And today, I have added the Instagram Poster Template into my shop!
To create your own poster all you will need is the template and your photos! Then you can take your finished file to your local print shop and have it printed. Mine cost about $12 to have printed and then I used this $10 poster frame from Target.
To use the template you will need to have some knowledge about using photoshop layers and clipping masks. I am working on a tutorial for using this template specifically but in case there are any newbies who want to try it out before then this tutorial should get you started in the right spot!
I would love to see your posters using this template! Tag me on Instagram @kendrajohn and use hashtag #hellokeylime
Enjoy your weekend!
Love this! You could also print it as an engineering print for really cheap!
Oh my! I could have used this a few months ago’ but will cherish it for future projects! I did mine then took a gold sharpie and drew shabby squares around them.
Awesome idea! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing…