Inside: You’ll get my best road trip tips for kids, free printables, and a list of must-have products!
Yay! You’re going on a road trip? Where are you going?!
When my husband and I took our first 15-hour drive with our kiddos we had no idea what we were in for… it was rough.
The fighting, bored kids, and mess in the car made me want to pull my hair out.
Years later and now having MANY long road trips under our belt, I’ve learned a few things. I actually enjoy road trips!

Our last road trip was a total of 44 hours of driving! With 3 kids! You could call us CRAZY but we ended up having a great time and plan to do it again!
All you need it a little preparation and planning!
Related: Our favorite Road Tips
Plus, road trips are usually a cheaper, more relaxed way to travel. They allow for meaningful conversations, laughs, and plenty of gas station treats!
I’m stoked to share my tips and tricks with you so you can enjoy your trip too! And of course, there are printables included. 😉
Ideas for Keeping Your Kids Entertained on a Road Trip
These ideas are gear toward kids age 2-9. (That’s how old my kiddos are!) But these ideas could still be applicable to older kids!
#1. Listen to books on CD from the library! Even if you have very young kids, the sounds of the narrator can be fun and even calming for kids! Make sure to pick something that’s entertaining for the driver! Alternate option: Read a book aloud.
#2. Pipe Cleaners – Grab these from the dollar store! Created shapes, animals and cool designs.
#3. Coloring – Pick up a clipboard (this makes it easier for kids and more fun!) and bring plain pieces of paper or cheap coloring books. We love to get coloring books on Amazon or at the dollar store.
If you have really little kids and you are worried about

#4. Paint By Sticker Books – These are similar to paint by number, but MESS-FREE. My kids love them! My daughter who is 9 does great with the adult version. My 6-year-old does better with the “kids” version.
#5. Seek and Find Books – Grab some on Amazon or borrow some from the library. I’m all about taking advantage of the library when possible!
Related: The Charts I use To Get My Kids to Brush Their Teeth Without Being Asked
#6. Glow Sticks – If you are going to be driving while it’s dark these are a must! Kids love them and you can usually find them cheap at the dollar store or Target dollar spot.
#7. Play-Doh with Small Cookie Tray – Again, grab a cheap cookie tray at the dollar store. Bring some play-doh and let the kids go to town! Bonus: The tray can also double as a food tray for nuggets and fries!
#8. Post-It Notes – This one may seem silly but I promise it works. I handed my 3-year-old a pad of post-its and she colored them and peeled/stick them everywhere for a good chunk of time!
#9. iPads –Of course, this is on the list. BUT I try to save the iPad as a last resort. I’ve noticed if I give my kids the iPad the moment they get in the car they will only last a little while before being bored – and then it’s even harder to keep them entertained.
- Consider downloading a new movie
- Download a new game
TIP : Did you know that you can download movies from Netflix to your phone? This is great for times when you might not have cell service to stream!- TIP: We have this cute travel electronics case to keep all our chargers and cords organized and it is super helpful so that nothing gets lost and helps keep the car clean!
#10. Out Loud Games – We love to play games out loud as a family while we drive!

- License Plate Game
- Doubles Game – Look for any double letter on a license plate
- ABC Game – See if you can find all the letters of the alphabet on road signs, license plates, and billboards.
I hope you were able to gather a few tips for your upcoming road trip! Make sure you check out The Very Best Amazon Road Trip Products to finish preparing for your trip!

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