Google announced a little while ago that Google Friend Connect {followers widget} will no longer be avaliable as of March 1st. But, no worries! There are plenty of other ways to stay in the loop on the Free Printables, Blogging Tips, and Sweet Treats [we finished the last bite of Biscoff Popcorn over the weekend! yum!]
Here are some ways to following this blog ::
- Bloglovin
- Linky Followers [sidebar]
- Posts Via Inbox
Personally I think I am going to start following my favorite blogs via Bloglovin. I haven’t used it before now but I was playing around with it last night and I love that you can create folders to keep track of the blogs you want to read. I am thinking a folder for daily reads, crafts blogs, food blogs, occasional reads, and other.
How do you keep track of your favorite blogs? Is bloglovin the best way? Or should I check into something else?
Great that you got Linky Followers. I have it, found some awesome blogs this way, however, I think (not that it matters) that it is a little hard to follow. :( I have BlogLovin’ but no one will follow me there. How sad is that. :( BlogLovin’ is really easy to use and such. Maybe you know some tricks into reading your “favorite blogs” on LF??? PS- love your blog too. It is simply precious and inspiring! Love, Stepha
Thanks so much for your nice comment!! I love how easy bloglovin is to use too! I love that you can make folders. I thought the same thing about Linky Followers. … A little hard to navigate and I don’t like that it doesn’t read feeds… like update when someone posts something new. But maybe I just need to explore it a little more, people seem to like it :)
Following you on Linky. Would love for you to follow me back if you like.
Will do :)
I prefer Bloglovin too. I like the daily e-mail so I can scan what blog posts I want to check out that day. I don’t get many followers on it though. I have links to it and Linky on my site. Seems that Linky is the way people are going now.
As a huge advocate of all things Google, I absolutely love my Google Reader. Just put in the blog homepage address and it pulls all the feeds into one place. The interface is very focused and easy to read and the Android app is awesome.
And if you use Gmail already you don’t need to create a new account, just log in with your email information.
Hi! I love your blog. I am your newest follower. Would love to have you follow my blog too. I am hoping I will still be following all the blogs after the 1st, I would hate to miss all the awesome printables.