Around here lately we have been trying to enjoy every last day in Hawaii as much as possible! For those of you who don’t know my family has spent the last 3 years living in Hawaii while my husband has been in pharmacy school. We are moving back to Utah in a few short weeks.
Yes there is lots to do, lots to sell, lots to pack… Basically a mile long to do list. But I am trying to live as stress free as possible … I mean I have 2 young kids soooo we will try our best … But man, it seems like yesterday that I wrote my first post living in Hawaii and I don’t want to stress away the last few weeks!
When I was looking for the link to my first post here in Hawaii I got sucked into the Hawaii post archives. How times flies! We have had quiet the adventure. I look forward to the future but Hawaii will always hold a special place in my heart!
Enjoy your weekend! And thanks for reading my blog! I enjoy sharing my experiences as a graphic designer and daily life with you!
Happy Easter!
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