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I think advertising should be more than just sticking your blog button up and leaving it be for 30 days! I love to support my sponsors with a little extra love! I will suggest you to friends, facebook/twitter about you, mention you in posts, etc! I many not have a billion followers but there is great power in repetition.
This site has been up for almost 2 year has grown loyal followers and continues to gain fabulous readers daily. I am continually advertising this site on other sites like Oh Hello Friend, Gussy Sews, Whipperberry, Tatertots & Jello and Tiny Twig.
Stats [all via google analytics] As of FEB 2012
- Average length of visit: 3mins +
- Average page views per month: 30,650 +
- 800+ facebook fans
- 850+ RSS Subscribers
- tops referring sites from December: Oh Hello Friend, Tatertots & Jello, Tip Junkie, Pinterest, How Does She and Whipperberry
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