I am so grateful for the year 2011! A lot of big things happened for me and my family! Lots of growing out of our shell, being brave, and adventuring … as a family and with this blog! I am thankful for all the friends and family along the way that helped make this year amazing! Here are a few highlights…
Blog and Business Highlights
- The big switch to WordPress!
- Joined Pinterest :: Best inspiration EVER!
- Discovered my Favorite [and most popular] Color Palette :: Seafoam
- First Sponsors! :: [so grateful!]
- Favorite Tutorial :: How to add a Pinterest Button to Your Blog
- Started Offering Custom WordPress Designs!
- Lots of Printable Freebies!
Highlights of my Families Life
- Moving to Hawaii! :: Life Changing!
- 12 Hour Airplane Adventure, ALONE, with SJ :: We CAN do hard things!
- Hawaiian Nature Walk
- A Real Look at Paradise
- This is My Happy
- Miss S turned 2!
- Thankful Snapshot :: Documenting the Small Things
- SJ is a Little Artists
- Husband [& I] successfully survived the first semester of pharmacy school!
Thank You 2011 >>> HELLO 2012!
Don’t miss posts and FREEBIES in 2012! Posts Via Inbox >>>
I’m glad you had such a great year, hoping 2012 is even better for you!