It’s raining, it’s pouring …. And it is making a cute two year old girl a little upset. She loves lives to be outside. [see proof below]. SJ’s ideal afternoon would be spent playing with chalk, riding bikes, playing in the hose, and chilling on lawn chairs. Oh, and all while eating a popsicle. Because the rain sort of puts a kink in those plans I have been on the lookout for fun indoor activity ideas….
Maybe tomorrow we will give this a try …
Shaving Cream Colors [looks a little messy, but fun!] Photo and idea via Marta Writes.
What sorts of activities do you do with your kids on rainy [or snowy] days?
I think I know where she got her perfect-day ‘likes’ from? wink wink
My kids – all of them – used to like to fingerpaint with chocolate pudding.
It’s sort of “self-cleaning”
GGrandma Crook