Happy Tuesday girls! Time for a little tour of my new blog design!
Why a new design? It was time! My style has evolved slightly as a designer and I wanted my blog to reflect that. As a blog designer who takes a lot of clients it is really easy for me to let my site slip and get a little out-dated. I just don’t have time (make time!) to fix and update my site. Ironic I know! (Designers, you get it right?)
Design Details I started with the Foodie Theme. I used it as my main framework and then customized it for my branding!
I am tooootaly loving white right now. It might something to do with the salmon-y pink walls I have been staring at for the past 3 years (we’re renting) or maybe white is just “in style” right now. But I’m basically craving white. In blog designs, in home decor, for photo backgrounds. WHITE!
I went mobile responsive! Okay honestly… Mobile responsive designs are a pain in the neck to code. Like seriously! Not only do designs need to look good across multiples internet browsers but throw in a handful of different sized mobile devices. Ah! I think that is why I have such a love/hate relationship with mobile responsive sites. For coding and for my own reading purposes. If they are done right mobile responsive designs are awesome! If they are done poorly I hate reading the blog on my phone usually close the window. With my new design I tried to make sure the mobile responsive design was a main priority! (Although there is a slight issue with the vertical iPad design. Working on it!)
Post Index! Since I have been working through the Mom Blog Money Blog workshop I have tried to create a way for my old content more readable! So I took the popular food blog “recipe index” idea and made a post index. It also features a search box and category archives at the top!
More Community and Sharing The Mom Blog Money Blog workshop also focuses on community and sharing. I already knew they were huge in the blogging world, if not the sole purpose of posting online. But Laurie reminded me that we are kind of lazy as humans. If we aren’t given an EASY way to save, share or subscribe then we most likely aren’t going to do so. I tried to make those three things accessible in my new blog design. What do you think?
So right here is where I am going to invite you …
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